Boulanger overstocks clearance : current auctions for sale

Stocklots, pallets and overstock trucks for auction from Boulanger, the French specialist in home appliances and multimedia.

  • Quality
  • Categories
  • Location
  • Place
  • RRP Value
Logo Seller
Offer illustration
Lot of 12 Electromenager Units
Auction #11358
Functional used products
Last bid2 400,00 €
Number of bids2
End of the auction
Logo Seller
Offer illustration
Stocklot of 19 units of Household Appliances and IT / High Tech product
Auction #11364
Last bid2 500,00 €
Number of bids11
End of the auction

Boulanger offers destocking lots from its stores and warehouses. On this page, you'll find all the offers currently on line, as well as completed offers.

Provenance and condition of lots destocked by Boulanger

Quality levels proposed for Boulanger destocking lots:

  • Functional customer returns
  • Used and functional
  • Nonfunctional

Types of lots offered by Boulanger:

Small and large household appliances, computers / electronics, etc.

Pallet packaging:

Sold stocklots are packaged on shrink-wrapped pallets, ready for dispatch.

How do I buy a Boulanger stock clearance lot?

Stocklear is a marketplace reserved for professionals that puts sellers (in this case, Boulanger) in touch with buyers (any company wishing to buy clearance overstock).

Sales are by auction. The highest bidder wins the lot at the end of the auction.

You must have a validated buyer account in order to bid. To have your account validated, we need a recent KBIS showing your company name as well as yours.

How do I bid on a Boulanger lot?

  • Log in to your buyer account (or create one in just a few minutes)
  • Consult the details of each lot, and place your bid directly online.
  • If your bid is the highest at the end of the sale, congratulations: you win the lot!
  • Stocklear takes care of transporting your lot. If you wish, you can also use the carrier of your choice.

Sales last an average of 5 working days, to give you time to analyze the lot and decide which bid you'd like to place.

Once logged in, you can view the details of each lot, and download them in Excel format.